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Amazon Milk Frog (Trachycephalus Resinifictrix) Care

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Amazon Milk Frog (Trachycephalus Resinifictrix) Care Empty Amazon Milk Frog (Trachycephalus Resinifictrix) Care

Post  wickerstone Sun Feb 22, 2009 10:48 am

Amazon Milk Frogs are a large tree frog that are recently the rave. They have beautiful markings as a juvenile. White and black bands cover soft baby blue color skin pebbled with bumps. Yet, as they get older, these colors start to fade into a dark gray or brown. They are large frogs measuring 2.5 to 4 inches. Females are larger than the males. Only the males call out and have nupital pads. The name stems from the milky poisonous secretions it releases when the frog feels threatened. It was first called Hyla Resinifictrix by Goledi in 1907. In general this is a fairly easy frog to care for.

Milk Frogs like a lot of room. A tall tank is best for these frogs since they like to climb. A vert. tank is well suited for this species. A 30 gallon tank should be adequate for 2-3 adult Milks. Since they reside from northern South America they require a rain forest environment. There should be lots or perches for the frog to climb and hang on, as well with plenty of plants for the them to hide in. With that said, there should be covering on the back side, whether its simple a black construction paper or an elaborate background to make the frog feel more secure. A tight fitting lid is needed for this species because they will try to escape. The substrate should be loose Eco-earth, coconut husk, or soil that does not have harmful fertilizers or paper towels. Anything that will hold moisture. That is key. Make sure there is nothing in the tank these frogs can swallow by mistake. For example, soils that have vermiculite or perlite should be avoided and certainly do not use gravel found in fish tanks. Fresh water (spring water or water treated with tap water conditioner) should be changed daily or whenever it gets dirty. The tank should be inspected daily and any soiled pieces should be removed and changed.

Temperature and Humidity
The temps during the day can range from anywhere from 75 to 85F with a slight dip in temperature during night time. A light can be used, especially if incorporating plants. Humidity in the tank should be slightly high 60-70%. This can be achieved by adding a water feature or misting the tank from time to time.

Milks like many frogs like to eat. They will accept crickets, waxworms, roaches, and mealworms. They should be fed 3-6 crickets every other day or what they can consume in ten minutes. Remaining food should be removed. Dusting your food with reptile supplements helps these frogs get needed vitamins to grow healthy.
Baby Pyxie frog
Baby Pyxie frog

Posts : 286
Join date : 2009-02-21
Age : 53
Location : Maine

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Amazon Milk Frog (Trachycephalus Resinifictrix) Care Empty Re: Amazon Milk Frog (Trachycephalus Resinifictrix) Care

Post  wickerstone Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:54 pm

Amazon Milk Frog (Trachycephalus Resinifictrix) Care Milk-f10
Baby Pyxie frog
Baby Pyxie frog

Posts : 286
Join date : 2009-02-21
Age : 53
Location : Maine

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